We invite you to take part in a scientific event ROUNDTABLE second edition with international participation “European Diplomacy in the Eastern Partnership space: achievements, difficulties, problems”(II), that will take place on Friday 29.10.21. at 15.00 (online).
The RoundTable is organized within the framework of the Jean Monnet Project EUDIPSEC.
In early 2021 a new Eastern Partnership (EaP) Summit took place between the European Union and the six countries in its eastern neighborhood: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. After over a decade, the ambitious objectives of the EU’s Eastern Partnership policy to deliver ‘stability, security and prosperity’ to the region remain far from reality. Democratization and good governance reforms have been stalled by vested interests in Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, while Azerbaijan and Belarus have remained outright autocratic, and the latter faces sustained domestic protests. The EaP faces geopolitical pushback by an increasingly assertive Russian Federation and the region is further affected by multiple protracted and ongoing conflicts, including the recent bitter war over Nagorno-Karabakh. But despite its shortcomings, the EaP is not without successes, especially but not only in the economic sphere. The EU has also managed to keep the door open for conversation, spurred lower-level reform and provided civil society support. As such, the EaP has an important role to play in the policy of the Netherlands towards the region, especially in light of recent requests by the Dutch Parliament to formulate an Eastern Europe strategy. But many thorny questions remain in the run-up to the summit.
EU diplomacy in the Eastern Partnership area focuses on several key areas.
- Association Agreements and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas (DCFTA).
- Strengthening political association and economic integration between the EU and partner countries.
- Reforms, trade liberalization and harmonization of legislation with EU standards.
- Support for the EU’s democratic reforms through political and financial support to the Eastern Partnership countries to strengthen democratic institutions, the rule of law, human rights and good governance.
- Mobility and liberalization of the visa regime for citizens of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, which facilitated travel to the Schengen area, expands contacts between people, promotes cultural exchanges and opens up business opportunities.
- Sectoral cooperation of the EU with the Eastern Partnership countries in such areas as energy, transport, environment, education, research and innovation. Support projects and initiatives that contribute to the development and modernization of these sectors.
- Conflict resolution and security cooperation, including through the Eastern Partnership Security Group, CSDP missions and defense capacity building. Support for peaceful solutions, which promotes dialogue and contributes to confidence-building measures.
- EU regional cooperation between the Eastern Partnership countries themselves, as well as with EU member States. Platforms such as the Eastern Partnership Summit and multilateral initiatives promote dialogue, exchange of best practices and strengthen regional stability and integration.
- EU financial assistance to the Eastern Partnership countries through various financing instruments, such as the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Doctoral students, masters, students, researchers and teachers from the fields of Political Science, International Economic Sciences, International Communication Sciences and public relations, etc. are invited to participate in the dialogue.
Registration of participants will start at 14.45 – 15.00.
Join a Zoom meeting
Conference ID:841 1389 1762
Academy of Public Ad ministration
Department of international Relations
Email: și