Dear colleagues
We invite you to participate in the online debate of the International Scientific Conference ” EU SECURITY STRATEGY IN THE CHANGING CONDITIONS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (I)”, which will be held on April 23, 2021 within the framework of the Jean Monnet European Project 620918-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPJMO-CHAIR (EUDIPSE) “EUROPEAN UNION: A COMPREHENSIVE NOTION.”
We invite representatives of the academic community, experts in the field of international relations and international economic relations in the European Union, representatives of civil society interested in the security of states and regions to participate. The conference will allow experts in this field to discuss and exchange views on the most relevant and pressing issues on the agenda. We also invite students, masters and doctoral students to participate.
Thematic areas:
– Ensuring the security of the EU in a changing world;
– European identity and the security issue;
– Objectives and prospects of the EU’s “strategic autonomy” in the context of the European security system;
– The EU’s integrated approach to conflict: crisis management policy and practice;
– Tools for protecting national security in the context of global security.
Working languages: Romanian, Russian, English.
We ask those who wish to participate in the International Scientific Conference to send us the completed form by February 20, to the address:; or We also respectfully ask you to send us the text of the report, drafted for publication by March 20, 2021.
Requirements for writing articles. Theme, over an interval, in one-line spacing – Author’s Name and Surname (no more than two authors), e-mail address. Over an interval: Summary in Romanian, English. If the article is in Russian, the summary in Russian is also required. (200 words, 5-6 keywords). Text: Introduction, Applied methodology, Results of the investigation, Conclusions, Bibliographic references in the text (in square brackets). Article volume: 10,000-20,000 signs, with space.
Materiale conferinta_23_aprilie_2021
Lista participantilor 23 aprilie 2021
2 MR_Aprilie 2021 – Приглашение